Hairless Chimpanzees Reveal Just How Incredibly Strong They Really Are

Chimpanzee Alopecia
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Chimpanzee Alopecia
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One video captured chimpanzees with alopecia brawling with regular-looking chimpanzees, giving viewers a chance to see how muscular and powerful chimpanzees really are.

Ever thought that you can take on a chimpanzee in a fight? It’s probably best to never entertain that thought—ever. Even the strongest person in the world couldn’t take on a chimpanzee (we assume).

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And the recent images capturing a brawl between regular-haired chimpanzees and chimps with alopecia highlights their to-die-for ripped muscle tone. Okay, some may find them too ripped, but that’s their problem.

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Men take notes: chimpanzees have beyond toned thighs and massive, ripped arms—they don’t skip leg day, that’s for sure. Chimps can easily rip a human to shreds in a fight. One biologist, Alan Walker, claims that they are four times stronger than us.

We may encompass uncanny similarities to chimpanzees, and we may perform similar motions, but chimpanzees perform similar movements with a lot more strength than humans.

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Want to learn more about chimpanzees, and check out the images that unveil their crazy amount of strength? Take a look at our video for mind-boggling imagery—try not to envy the muscle you see!

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