This Bear Was Caught On Camera Devouring A Live Moose On The Side Of A Road

A Swedish couple spotted this bear eating a live moose!
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A Swedish couple spotted this bear eating a live moose!
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Damn nature!... You scary! Is what a Swedish couple must have thought when, while they were headed back home, on a road in the woods, witnessed something incredible. A bear snagging some easy prey by the roadside. Check out the video above to see it for yourself!

This couple was quietly driving on a road that goes through a leafy forest in Sweden when they spotted a black 'mass' on the side of the road.

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Aware of the presence of bears, moose and all kinds of animals in these places, they slowed down in case they had to dodge one of these huge wild animals.

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However, when approaching, they witnessed a scene straight out of themost impressive of nature documentaries. A huge bear had just hunted an elk that was almost bigger than it was, and was dragging its prey.

The elk, in agonising pain but still powerful, struggles to fight off its predator, but the bear fiercely subdues it - it'll give you goosebumps.

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Check out the video above to see the footage for yourself!

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