This Kangaroo Caused Chaos When It Made A Surprise Entrance Into A Bar

This Kangaroo Caused Chaos When It Made A Surprise Entrance Into A Bar
This Kangaroo Caused Chaos When It Made A Surprise Entrance Into A Bar
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The surprise guest caused quite a stir...

The scene that you can watch in the video obviously took place in Australia, no doubt about it. At a bar, one of the customers fortunately took out his phone at the right time. Indeed, in this footage, you can see a small kangaroo calmly enter the biggest a pub, hopping peacefully between different customers, before exiting through a bay window.

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A scene that deserves a 9.5/10 on the scale of cuteness. However, don't trust this footage - unlike dogs, kangaroos are not man's best friend. In fact, kangaroos' behaviour can make them a dangerous animal for humans. Another video went viral after this man got into a fist fight with a kangaroo whilst defending his dog.

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Australia really is the country where kangaroos rule!

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