Donald Trump Has Made Yet Another Shocking Decision

Donald Trump Has Made Yet Another Shocking Decision
Donald Trump Has Made Yet Another Shocking Decision
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Donald Trump has succeeded in denying transgender people access to the US military.

It is now official, US President Donald Trump has managed to reverse a legislative decision by former President Barack Obama to ban transgender people from joining the US military. From Friday, April 12th, 2019, transgender Americans who wish to join the United States Army are forced not to change their sex, otherwise they are not able to defend their countries' military interests. For those whose sex reassignment has already been done, there is no longer any way for them to enlist in the army.

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A discriminatory policy, which could also affect transgender people who have already joined the US military. The army, on the other hand, refuses transgender people access to its ranks on the grounds that they are suffering from mental dysphoria, which is considered a serious pathology by the American army. As a result, they are denied the right to enlist because the ‘level of readiness of the units and their effectiveness in combat’ is questioned.

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