Omicron: Fully vaccinated are 84% less likely to be severely infected

Vaccine efficacy
Vaccine efficacy
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Do fully vaccinated people have no protection against the ‘vaccine-resistant’ Omicron variant? UK’s scientific advisors say that is not the case.

When a coronavirus variant is deemed a ‘variant of concern,’ one of the first things scientists investigate is whether or not it can evade vaccine-induced immunity. Of all the previously dominant variants, including Delta and Beta, studies revealed that fully vaccinated individuals do have a considerable amount of protection with both jabs.

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The case however, has not been the same with the Omicron variant. Since the beginning of its growth, this strain has been constantly referred to as the ‘vaccine-resistant’ variant. Scientists are yet to solidify this claim with proper studies, but latest estimates from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) have provided some solace during this uncertain time.

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According to their modelling, which was published and presented by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, a full course of the Pfizer vaccine (two doses) was estimated to reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death by the Omicron variant by 83.7%. Meanwhile the AstraZeneca vaccine decreased the chances of severe infection by 77.1%.

To compare, the results for efficacy against the Delta variant were 96% and 93% to 95% respectively.

After studying antibody activity, researchers also found that the immunity provided by both brands of vaccines do wane over time. The paper projected that the AstraZeneca vaccine ‘provided 36.1% of protection, while Pfizer provided 46.7% from getting symptomatic Omicron infection after six months,’ reported Mail Online.

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Room for trouble

This suggests that the strain isn’t completely vaccine-resistant, but fully vaccinated people are still more vulnerable to infection, especially if they haven’t received a booster vaccine. Microbiologist Dr. Simon Clarke from Reading University told Mail Online that even a slight ‘drop’ in vaccine efficacy can still have catastrophic effects. He said:

Nobody ever expected Omicron to wipe out vaccine efficacy; it was just a drop that was expected — and that in itself can do enough damage.
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Authors of the study have also reiterated the same, saying that the Omicron variant has the 'potential to cause substantial surges in cases.' They added:

These results suggest that Omicron has the potential to cause substantial surges in cases, hospital admissions and deaths in populations with high levels of immunity, including England.
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The reintroduction of additional non-pharmaceutical interventions may be required to prevent hospital admissions exceeding the levels seen in England during the previous peak in winter 2020–2021.
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