One restaurant shared their most unique dish yet... A tarantula burger

America's first tarantula burger
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America's first tarantula burger
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An American restaurant located in North Carolina is offering its customers the prize of trying their exotic meat burger. Seems great right? Think again, there is actually a Tarantula in the burger.

For many of us, spiders aren't the most pleasant creatures. They're a nuisance around the house and to be honest, they're just awkward to deal with. If one thing's certain, the last thing anyone would want to do is eat one... until now.

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In what is more than likely an arachnophobe'sworst nightmare, there's one American restaurant has started serving atarantula burger.

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Bull City Burger and Grill is THE restaurant that serves this uniqueburger and every April for exotic meat month they serve their tarantula burger. If you visit the restaurant and want to try the dish then all you need to do is ask the manager.

What's all in the burger? The bun, burger patty, lettuce, hot sauce, and it's topped with a roasted tarantula. Some customers are saying the taste is very similar to crab or other shellfish with a metallic taste.

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But tarantula is not the only meat on the menu. The restaurant also serves other exotic dishes involving insects, turtles, bison and even camel.

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