OnlyFans: Couple earn £10k a month making porn together

OnlyFans: Couple earn £10k a month making porn together
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OnlyFans: Couple earn £10k a month making porn together
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Parents of two, the couple started creating adult content on the internet after their online business stalled due to the pandemic.

A married couple who decided to quit their jobs to create adult content on OnlyFans says they are making an average of £10,000 a month. They’re hoping their story will help break the stigma around sex work.

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No Turning Back

Bonnie, 30, and Tommy, 31(not their real names), started producing adult content on the content subscription platform two years ago.

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They ventured into this line of business after online business stalled when Covid hit. Soon after launching their content on OnlyFans, the pair gained popularity and say they’re raking in a staggering £120,000 a year. Bonnie said:

It's taken off and we continued with it. It's been great, it gives me flexibility. Onlyfans gives you control, it's completely in your hands what you post and the money goes straight to you. The earning potential is limitless. We're earning more than we were before. It's given us a better financial freedom. There's no other job I could do and earn this sort of money.
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The couple has two kids, aged 4 and 19 months. They want to create a sex-positive environment for their children to grow in. According to Bonnie, they intend to be completely transparent with their daughters about their line of business, sex, and consent.

Our house is going to be 100% sex positive and that's all I could wish for bringing two girls into this world. There will be no shame in telling them, age appropriately. We would never hide what we do.
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Changing Attitudes

The duo, who have been together for seven years, say they are not worried about their kids getting bullied at school due to the nature of their work. They are confident, attitudes towards sex work are fast changing.

We've got so many friends in the industry. It's going to be so different when they grow up because loads of Mum's and Dad's are going to be making this kind of content or on OnlyFans. I honestly don't even think it's going to be an issue with kids being bullied over it. There's going to be such a shift in the way of thinking.
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They are hopeful that by talking about their lives publicly, they would be helping reduce the stigma around sex work.

The reason it's such a taboo is because people are too ashamed to talk about it. Everyone is having sex, it shouldn't be a shameful thing. Let us exploit the patriarchy and make money. Sex sells at the end of the day, if there was no one there to buy, the industry wouldn't exist
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