Study confirms that men and women use Tinder for very different reasons

Study Confirms That Men and Women Use Tinder for Very Different Reasons
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Study Confirms That Men and Women Use Tinder for Very Different Reasons
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Norwegian researchers have pin pointed the main reason why women use dating apps, and it may not make you too happy…

Did you think that women only went on Tinder to hook up? You were wrong. At least that is according to a study conducted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), which has found that men and women use the dating app very differently

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Women are more discerning, men are more eager

The study, which estimated that men mainly seek short-term relationships (what else is new), analysed the behaviour of 640 students at the Norwegian University from the ages of 19 to 29. And it turns out both men and women use Tinder for slightly different reasons.

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Results of the study showed that women spent more time on the dating app than men. But they aren't engaging in any more or less casual sex because of it, they simply spend longer on the app because they consider their options more thoroughly. Men on the other hand often chose efficiency and make quick decisions on whether they want to meet up or not and are more likely to initiate contact. Professor Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair at NTNU’s Department of Psychology stated:

Women are more discerning. Men are more eager. This has clear evolutionary reasons. Women have more to lose by engaging with low-quality sexual partners than men do. That’s why men swipe right more often than women do.
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A self-confidence boost

The study also looked at the reason why people turn to Tinder and found that the reason isn't solely about 'hook-ups' or relationships. The research found that for most people, Tinder was just a diversion, yet another app to turn to when procrastinating or bored. First author and clinical psychologist Ernst Olav Botnen also found that men are much more likely to use the dating app to find a partner (short or long term), whereas women often used the app as a confidence boost:

Men tend to report a desire for casual sex and short-term relationships as a reason for using dating apps. But it should be noted that the myth that men on dating apps are only looking for casual sex isn’t accurate. Men who use these apps also seek long-term partners, but to a lesser extent than short-term partners.
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According to Professor Mons Bendixer, 'women use dating apps to become more confident', as they see the idea of being considered as a potential partner by other users as a good thing.

But, in case you were wondering how many people have been using Tinder to sneak around, the study found that only eight out of the 640 participants used the app for infidelity. So, if you were wondering about the chances of your partner sneaking around, you probably don't need to worry.

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