This Spotify Advert Was BANNED For Being Too Terrifying

This Spotify Advert Was BANNED For Being Too Terrifying
This Spotify Advert Was BANNED For Being Too Terrifying
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Halloween is almost upon us and advertisers are making the most of it with spooky new ad campaigns. However, this advert by Spotify had to be taken down after complaints that the 'horror doll' featuring in it was terrorising children.

Watchdogs ruled that Spotify's ad, which ran on Youtube in June this year, was 'particularly likely to cause distress to children who saw it'.

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Spotify has defended itself by insisting there's no actual gore or violence in the ad but has apologised for any distress caused.

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Take a look at the ad above and see what you think - did Spotify really cross the line or is it a fuss over nothing?

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