Fans won't be too thrilled about this new PS5 feature

Fans won't be too thrilled about this new PS5 feature
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Fans won't be too thrilled about this new PS5 feature
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Expected to drop on 19th November, the Playstation 5 will definitely have its fair share of surprising features, such as the ability to record players’ conversations for example. But although their intentions were admirable—trying to prevent abusive behaviour—some people still weren’t too thrilled to hear about it…

Fans will have to impatiently wait only one more month to get their hands on the eagerly awaited Playstation 5. The new Sony console is expected to drop on 19th November. 2020 has been a complicated year and fans were quite worried that the Playstation 5 release, like so many other things, would be postponed as well. But luckily, it won’t be…

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Recording PS5 users, doing wrong to do right

Although Sony has been teasing us with the PS5 release, which gamers have been eagerly awaiting for months now, this console will soon be a reality. And judging from the list of games that have already been confirmed for the upcoming console, it’s very likely that everyone will want their own PS5. But while the newcomer to the Playstation family promises to be full of technologically revolutionary new features, one of the newest features is likely to make some people feel rather uneasy

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The PS4 was recently given an update that seemed to rather annoy some players. It all started when PS4 users who had installed the update, known as software 8.0, received a message on their console informing them that that Sony would have the right to record their voices for moderation purposes. Sony was later forced to explain themselves and claimed that this feature would also continue onto the PS5 as a new moderation feature.

Following this update, users see a notification regarding group security and that voice conversations in groups can be recorded. Voice chat recording for moderation is a feature that will be available on PS5 when it launches and will allow users to record their voice chats on PS5 and submit them for moderation review. The pop-up you are seeing on PS4 right now is to let you know that when you join a chat with a PS5 user (after launch) they can submit those recordings from their PS5 console to site.
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Gamers disappointed with Sony and deterred from buying the PS5

This time, their message could not have been any clearer. PS4 gamers and future PS5 players will have to get used to having their voices recorded. Nevertheless, this future feature, as far as the PS5 is concerned at least, is still a bit fuzzy, as to how exactly it will work. Anything can be subject to moderation, but the precise conditions of this feature are not very clear yet. The same goes for any actions that could be taken against players that are deemed to have been abusive or guilty of any kind of misconduct. There are so many questions that are worrying future PS5 gamers who already seem quite annoyed by this new feature…

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