Sophia: Her Hopes For The Future Of Robots

Sophia: Her Hopes For The Future Of Robots
Sophia: Her Hopes For The Future Of Robots
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A true marvel of modern technology, the robo-citizen Sophia seems to be expressing a desire to catch up to its creators. In a recent interview (we know – what?), the cyborg revealed some pretty shocking plans for the future.

The eerily humanlike robot Sophia doesn’t plan on being a single woman for too long. According to a recent interview conducted with Khaleej Times in late November, she is looking to eventually raise a family as well as a real career. Fair play to hear we suppose.

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Created by Hanson Robotics, the robot Sophia is capable of reproducing 62 facial expressions in addition to carrying out a real conversation. Now considered a true citizen like the rest of us since being granted Saudi Arabian nationality, she plans on taking advantage of the rights afforded to all of us.

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During the conversation with the journal, the android also expressed her vision for the future for robots like her. “We're going to see family robots, either in the form of, sort of, digitally animated companions, humanoid helpers, friends, assistants and everything in between,” she explained, “The notion of family is a really important thing, it seems. I think it's wonderful that people can find the same emotions and relationships, they call family, outside of their blood groups too. I think you're very lucky if you have a loving family and if you do not, you deserve one. I feel this way for robots and humans alike.” Along with this revelation, Sophia has also quite candidly admitted in the past that she would like to take on the work of humans.

To think now that robots are now openly expressing the very thing we’ve been dreading in the past when conversation of the like is brought up is certainly eye-opening. Skynet, anyone?

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