He ordered an Uber after a night out and ended up 300 miles away from home

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Listen, it happens to all of us from time to time during a big night out to black out at a certain point. There are some people who push that to another extreme however. This is the story of Kenneth Bachman, who ended up a bit far from his place after having a few drinks with his mates.

Have you ever woken up in the morning after going out with your friends and wondered just how you got home the night before? At least you got home in one piece, right? Kenny Bachman can’t quite say exactly the same. This lad ended up in an unexpected place after having a few too manybrewswith his mates... his parent'shouse, 300-miles away.

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What happened exactly? The young American studentdecided to order an Uber to get home but instead of putting in his own address, he put in his parents’. The result: a 310-mile trip costing him a grand total of just over £1,150. We’d like to assume he’ll be a little more careful next time.

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Check out the video above for more on the story!

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