A Diver In Sardinia Found A Condom In A Fish He Had Just Caught (VIDEO)

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An Italian diver got a (very) unpleasant surprise when he returned from a fishing trip in Sardinia. He then shared his discovery on social media.

This discovery is revolting. After a fishing trip around Olbia in Sardinia, a diver got an awful surprise when he discovered an entire condom inside the stomach of one of the fish he had caught, a sea bream that he was planning on cooking up for dinner, as the local media Corse Matin reported on Monday 26th August.

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This sad discovery was made by Maruizio Marini, the diver in question, who shared it in a video filmed in his kitchen which he then posted on Facebook. In this short clip that lasted a little over 30 seconds that you can find at the top of this article, you can briefly see lots of fish that he caught in his kitchen sink, and then the fish in which he had found condom. Disgusted by his find, Maurizio explains, slightly humorously, that he didn’t cook up the fish, but instead made do with a salad.

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But this story further illustrates the damage caused by pollution to our seas, oceans and which also affects our marine life. This scale of this damage was observed again a few months ago when the American billionaire explorer Victor Vescovo discovered human waste, plastic bags and sweet wrappers on the floor of the Mariana Trench (Pacific Ocean), almost 7 miles below the surface.

‘It’s very disappointing to see just how much humans have polluted even the depths of our oceans,’ said the explorer. And the seabed isn’t the only thing to suffer from human’s overuse of plastic, since a recent study carried out by the American journal Science Advances revealed that it was snowing plastic in the Alps.

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